这座建于1868年的白色的小教堂为来自北欧的水手而1868年造。它的外观像一个挪威乡村教堂。当时, 对那些国外水手而言, 这座教堂是一个在繁华的煤炭港口的避风港。在这里,他们可以见面,、做礼拜崇拜、 阅读母语期刊或写信。随着煤炭贸易的式微,教堂于1974年关闭。如今, 挪威教堂是艺术展览和活动场所。咖啡馆供应一些北欧美食。
这座建于1868年的白色的小教堂为来自北欧的水手而1868年造。它的外观像一个挪威乡村教堂。当时, 对那些国外水手而言, 这座教堂是一个在繁华的煤炭港口的避风港。在这里,他们可以见面,、做礼拜崇拜、 阅读母语期刊或写信。随着煤炭贸易的式微,教堂于1974年关闭。如今, 挪威教堂是艺术展览和活动场所。咖啡馆供应一些北欧美食。
Edward Lovatt hosted legendary dinners at his Wrexham pub and brewery, the Old Swan, when he wasn't busy being parish clerk, an auctioneer and agent for various companies. But an operation to replace one of his eyes with a glass eyeball in 1887 ...
[More]Sir Howard Grubb's periscope had transformed the Royal Navy's submarines by the time he bought a house on Sychnant Pass Road near Conwy, where he soon set about running an electric cable from a nearby hotel to light his residence. Sir Howard had invented ...
[More]Gibbet Hill in Swansea got its name from public executions conducted there in medieval times, but Georgian gentlemen found the name unsavoury as they built mansions for themselves on the hillside. The name was changed to North Hill, but the old name ...